2024 JR/SR House Rules

2024 JR/SR House Rules

Pitching days rest 

Juniors: 0 day rest 0-20 pitches, 1 day rest 21-35 pitches, 2 days rest 36-50 pitches, 3 days rest 51-65 pitches, 4 days rest 66+ MAX 95 pitches 

Seniors: 0 days rest 0-30 pitches, 1 day rest 31-45 pitches, 2 days rest 46-60 pitches, 3 days rest 61-75 pitches, 4 days rest 76+ MAX 95 pitches 

Any pitcher who wants to be used in two games on the same calendar game must stay under 30 pitches (revert back) to be eligible to pitch in game 2 

Pitcher to catcher and catcher to pitcher rule in effect 

If a catcher has caught more than 3 innings, even if it is for one pitch in the 4th inning they are no longer eligible to pitch that day.  

If a player starts as a pitcher and would like to maintain eligibility to catch later in the game they must stay under 40 pitches.  

If you would like a player to go from catcher, to pitcher, back to catcher, he must stay under his 0 day rest pitch count as stated above  

All of the pitching rules listed above are soft/revert back counts. For example if a 14 year old player starts his last batter at 34 pitches and finishes at 39 his pitch count will revert back to the 1 day 35 pitch count threshold.  

Pitchers are allowed to reenter once if they have stayed under their limit 

One balk warning per pitcher  

5 inning game 1hr 45 minute time limit – 5 inning games only to be used if teams need to play a double header in order to get games in. 

7 inning game 2hr 15 minute time limit 

10 run rule after 4 innings for a 5 inning game 

10 run rule after 5 innings for a 7 inning game  

Continuous batting and free substitution 

Late player may be added to the bottom of the line up – no saving spots for players who have yet to arrive if the game is starting 

Player may leave the game early or is injured his spot will be skipped without penalty 

Bat Rules   13 and 14 year olds     USA drop anything   or BBCOR drop 3 

                    15 and 16 year olds      BBCOR drop 3 only 

Host team  supplies baseballs, umps and pays the fee please have 2 umps per game whenever possible 

Ump fees at the time of writing is $70 per umpire or $105 for a solo umpire. 

If you cannot host a game and play at the away team’s field, you will still be the home team.  

There is a zero tolerance policy if anyone is ejected it will be a 2 game suspension that includes managers coaches and players — managers you are responsible for your players and parents 

As we have said before fall baseball is a development league have fun playing, respect the umps, your opponents, and your players.